Thursday, March 19, 2009

Prince William says he wanted to be a policeman

Britain's Prince William discussed his childhood in an interview broadcast Wednesday, reminiscing about wanting to be a policeman and getting a "Harry Potter" scar on his forehead.

"A long time ago I wanted to be a policeman, when I was younger. I soon learned that probably wasn't a good idea," he said on the BBC's Newsround program, a current affairs show for children.

The 26-year-old prince also said had to go to the hospital after being hit by a golf club.

"That was for my Harry Potter scar, as I call it," he said, referring to the fictional boy wizard. "I call it that because it glows sometimes and some people notice it. Other times they don't notice it at all."

William said if he was invisible for a day he would go into a newspaper office.

"I'd hide in the background and listen to all the stories they talk about me," he said.

William has been president of the Royal Marsden Hospital in London since 2007, where his mother, Princess Diana was also president. His appearance was meant to help the hospital raise funds for a children's cancer wing.

Alice Marples, a young cancer patient, conducted the interview at Clarence House, the London residence of William's father, Prince Charles.

In an interview last month, William spoke about the death of his mother as he became a royal patron of a bereavement charity.

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